Dongguan Junhong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

nozzle, Laser tin ball welding, Plate -to -board connector, Ultrasonic welding

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Laser solder this development prospect is very good, because in the use of the benefits for the enterprise more, so favored by customers, in order to let you more of it, next we will tell about the main use of laser solder? Hopefully it will help more people. Now there are many people for laser soldering some basic information is not understand......
1. Optical products: camera, camera, etc.; 2. General consumer goods: typewriters, toys, Musical Instruments, batteries, etc. 3, laser tin ball welding can be used for semiconductor products. 4, electronic products: mechanical parts, printing motherboard, small switch, capacitor, variable resistance, crystal oscillator, liquid crystal display, magnetic head, relay, plug-in, motor, transformer, soft and hard plate welding......
The appearance of laser tin ball welding has changed the traditional manual soldering position. Automatic soldering machine solves the shortcomings of manual soldering, such as slow speed, low quality and insecurity. With the development of science and technology, welding field ushered in a great change. The appearance of laser tin ball welding makes up for the deficiency of traditional soldering machine. With the increase of demand, laser tin ball welding also derived more applications........
With the development and iteration of laser technology, many industries such as electronic and mechanical parts, precision electronic products, household appliances, high-end fields, electronic components and so on are inseparable from laser technology. Laser soldering technology with its non-contact soldering, fast and efficient, high precision, beautiful weld, infinite product shape, easy to control, strong adaptability and other advantages, widely used in automotive, electronics, steel, aerospace, shipbuilding and other industries.......
1 to adapt to different products: ultrasonic welding through vibration to connect plastic parts, the higher the frequency, the smaller the amplitude, the smaller the corresponding power. Therefore, high frequency (40khz/35khz) welding machine is used for small size and precision welding plastic parts welding; 28khz welder is mostly used for hand-held spot welder, 20khz/15khz ultrasonic welder is used for welding large and complex plastic parts......
When choosing to buy high pressure nozzle, we must see what the performance characteristics of the product are in the actual use process. After detailed understanding, we can also choose to buy it at rest. As long as the product exists in the market, it has certain advantages, and it can play a better function in many places. The use of high safety, good use effect......
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