Dongguan Junhong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

nozzle, Laser tin ball welding, Plate -to -board connector, Ultrasonic welding

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The board-to-board connector is the most powerful connector product among all connector product types. It is mainly used in power system, communication network, financial manufacturing, elevator, industrial automation, medical equipment, office equipment, home appliances, military manufacturing and other industries. At present, the main spacing of the board to board connector is 0.4mm, 0.5mm, 0.635mm, 0.8mm, 1.00m, 1.27mm.
Laser welding is a laser welding method that reduces the difference of parts to a small size and then arranges them on the substrate in a predetermined shape. The method is applicable to a range of alloy materials, forged steel, high strength steel, magnesium alloy and so on. First, laser welding does not require pre-heating and heat treatment process. This means that it can save time and cost, as well as prevent the creation of unnecessary residual stress and reduce unnecessary material deformation and deformation...........
The tin ball is transported from the tin ball box to the nozzle, and after melting by laser heating, it is ejected from the special nozzle and directly covered to the pad without additional flux or other tools. Using tin ball jet welding, welding accuracy is high, for temperature requirements or soft plate connection welding area. During the whole process, the solder joint and the welding body are not in contact.........
Laser tin ball welding is divided into spray ball welding and planting ball welding, which is a new solder paste process. The main advantage of this process is that the interconnection can be achieved at a very small size, the size of the droplet can be as small as tens of microns. The tin ball in the container can be transferred to the injector head through a special single-tin bead splitting system, and the high pulse energy of the laser can instantly melt the tin ball placed on the injector head.......
Laser tin ball welding is divided into spray ball welding and planting ball welding, which is a new solder paste process. The main advantage of this process is that the interconnection can be achieved at a very small size, the size of the droplet can be as small as tens of microns. The tin ball in the container can be transferred to the injector head through a special single-tin bead splitting system, and the high pulse energy of the laser can instantly melt the tin ball placed on the injector head........
plugging or hot Swap (plugging or Hot Swap) refers to a technology that connects a device, such as a board or module, to or removes it from the working system without affecting the system. The protection design of live plug and remove can be divided into four levels according to the degree of impact on devices and signals during live plug and remove. Level 1.0 protection The circuit board with level 0 protection design should be switched off first in the case of the main power supply to safely plug out..........
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