Dongguan Junhong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

nozzle, Laser tin ball welding, Plate -to -board connector, Ultrasonic welding

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Most of us know the traditional robot soldering iron welding technology, which has become the main popular welding equipment in the current automatic welding equipment market. However, with the increasing miniaturization of electronic products, the stability requirements of automatic welding are becoming higher and higher. Traditional soldering robot has been unable to meet the needs of users. A new type of automatic soldering technology laser tin ball welding was born and became the automatic soldering equipment market.

Laser tin ball welding only heats the connecting part locally and has no thermal effect on the component body; Fast heating and cooling speed, fine joint structure, high reliability; Non-contact heating; Different heating parameters can be configured according to the lead type of components to achieve consistent solder joint quality; Realize real-time quality control and so on.

Laser tin ball welding in the welding process without contact, spot energy concentration, small heat affected zone, will not cause a burden on the substrate; Can effectively heat and provide solder, is expected to realize the automation of stable welding; Long service life and low power consumption. Low maintenance, no wear, fully welded, inaccessible narrow position and dense assembly.

Laser tin ball welding transmits laser through optical brazing and uses high energy laser pulses to locally heat the material in a small area. Laser welded molten tin balls generally do not oxidize. This makes the welding with high precision and good welding quality, especially suitable for extremely high precision welding requirements. At present, domestic ccm module, camera, vcm motor manufacturers in the welding process all use laser tin ball welding.

Laser tin ball welding has the following characteristics:

1, laser processing precision is high, small spot, processing time program control, higher than the traditional processing precision. Suitable for the welding of small precision parts, and the welding parts are sensitive to temperature.

2. Non-contact processing will not produce static electricity generated by welding, and it can process parts that are difficult to be welded by conventional methods.

3. The fine laser beam replaces the soldering iron head, which is also convenient for processing when there are other interferences on the workpiece surface.

4. Local heating, small heat affected zone; No static electricity threat.

5, laser is a clean processing mode, easy to maintain, easy to operate. Good stability in repeated operation.

6, six axis working platform, equipped with synchronous CCD positioning monitoring system, automatic clamping, automatic judge whether there is a workpiece, to ensure the welding accuracy and yield.

7, the system does not need flux and other tools, to ensure the cleanliness.

8, fast heating speed, accurate positioning, can be completed in 0.2 seconds.

9, tin ball diameter can be as small as 50μm, suitable for high precision welding.

10, solder yield is higher than ordinary automatic soldering machine.

11. Visual positioning system suitable for assembly line production